Family-run Business Since 1962
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Code: 54746

Yates Liquid Trace Elements 500ml


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Essential mix of trace elements for improved flowering and fruiting

Release nutrients gradually to minimise leaf burn

When sprayed it works quickly and is rain fast in 2-3 hours

Delivers nutrients directly to the deficient leaves for faster results

Handy measure bottle for accurate dosage


Yates Trace Elements Chelates is a health tonic for your garden. An easy to use liquid and complete trace element mixture, it corrects soil and plants lacking in essential micro-nutrients.


Yates Trace Element Chelates provides nutrients in small doses, so it can be used where the exact deficiency cannot be diagnosed. Recommended as a foliar application, this delivers nutrients directly to the deficient leaves for faster results. Foliar applications also result in much lower additions into the soil when compared to traditional soil drench applications, resulting in less wastage and a lower risk of soil toxicity.

Additional information

Weight0.60 kg
Dimensions12 × 4 × 19 cm




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