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Speedi-beet is flakes of Sugar-Beet, which is 16% fibre and suitable for feeding to horses and ruminants.


Quick Soaking Sugar Beet Flakes. Speedi-Beet® is fast, convenient and is the healthy option for thousands of horse owners who now use the product and rely on its benefits. Speedi-Beet® is made from pure unmolassed sugar beet pulp which is a by-product of the sugar beet industry. Sugar beet is grown in Europe and North America as an alternative to sugar cane which is grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It is mainly grown as a source of table sugar for human consumption.


Sugar beet accounts for 30% of the worlds sugar production. The sugar beet harvest in the UK usually takes place from September onwards with the beet being delivered into one of several sugar beet factories situated throughout eastern England. After cleaning, the beet is sliced into cossettes by a machine that resembles a kitchen grater and as much surface area is presented to maximise the sugar extraction process as possible. The sliced sugar beet is mixed with hot water and the sugar is extracted. After the water has been squeezed out, the pulp is dried and usually molasses is added back where upon the pulp is either used in its shredded form or it is pelleted.




Speedi-Beet® is manufactured from beet pulp which has not had molasses added to it and is therefore around 95% sugar free. The beet pulp then undergoes a further patented process and is then cooked utilising our process, micronization. This involves heating the dried beet pulp at relatively low temperatures for a short time using infra-red heat and prevents the protein from denaturing allowing for quicker release of nutrients into the horses digestive system. The micronizing process also imparts flavour into the beet pulp so the product does not require the use of added molasses i.e. sugar for palatability. The beet pulp is then flaked to increase surface area to aid rapid water absorption. That’s why Speedi-Beet® can be prepared in under 10 minutes instead of the usual 24 hours for traditional sugar beet pulp.


Unique Features of Speedi-Beet


Pure, unmolassed, micronized sugar beet

Provides a cool, slow release energy source

Well digested in the hindgut – Beet pulp is approximately 80% digested in the hindgut

Laminitis friendly fibre option

5% Sugar Free, very low starch level

Short 10 minute soaking time


Choose Speedi-Beet when


You need an alternative to feeding grains and high starch and sugar roughages for

Laminitic or foundered horses

Horses that can become fizzy

Horses that are prone to tying up

Horses with Cushings Syndrome

You want to enhance gastrointestinal and microbial health

You need to dampen the feed for horses with poor teeth

You need to keep horses well hydrated

You want to put condition onto your horse in a cool, safe manner

You have horses with or prone to ulcers


Daily Feeding Guide

Simply mix 5 parts of water to 1 part of Speedi-Beet® by weight, that's about 2½ parts of water to 1 part of Speedi-Beet® by volume.

Leave to soak for 9 minutes using cold water or 5 minutes using hot water (fantastic in the winter to warm your horse).

Once Speedi-Beet® has been soaked it can be fed straight away or it can be kept in a cool environment, enabling you to still prepare in advance if you wish.

DO NOT FEED SPEEDI-BEET® DRY. Unlike other sugar beet products, Speedi-Beet® will absorb up to 5 times its own weight as water. The bulking capacity, however, is mediated by its patented production process and will improve the inherent digestion in the horse. It is therefore recommended that concentrate allowances should be reviewed after a few days to ensure the animal does not gain weight too fast.


The following recommendations are for guidance only. If replacing conventional sugar beet with Speedi-Beet® direct substitution can be carried out. Because of improved nutrient availability it will be necessary to adjust current feeding regime accordingly. Where Speedi-Beet® is introduced care should be taken to offer in increasing amounts, initially, to achieve recommended levels. As Speedi-Beet® is highly palatable beware of overfeeding.


As a guide, horses require 2% of body weight as feed per day. At least 25% must be fed as forage, or high fibre alternatives. Speedi-Beet® can be fed up to 30% of the daily feed, depending on the circumstances.


As a forage replacer: When forage is unavailable, mix Speedi-Beet and chaff in a  ratio of 1:3, soak prior to feeding and feed at the following rates:

Additional information

Weight20 kg
Dimensions75 × 50 × 16 cm



MITAVITE / HYG (Somersby Mill)

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