For control of a range of environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds as specified in the Directions for Use Table.
High Volume Spraying
Agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures and rights-of-way
·African boxthorn
·Angophora spp.
·Australian blackthorn
·Banksia spp.
·Biddy Bush (Chinese shrub) (Sifton bush)
·Blackberry in association with: Docks
·Blue heliotrope
·Brooms: (Cape
·Flax leaf
·Camphor laurel
·Casuarina spp.
·Chinee apple
·Cockspur thorn
·Common sensitive plant
·Crofton weed
·Eastern cotton bush (Maireana microphylla)
·Eucalyptus spp.
·Giant bramble
·Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia)
·Green cestrum
·Japanese sunflower
·Lantana (Lantana camera) (Lantana montevidensis)
·Lion tail (Leonatis nepetifolia)
·Mesquite (Prosopis spp.)
·Prosopis velutina
·Paddy’s lucerne
·Prickly Pear (common)
·Smooth tree pear
·Rubber vine (Not infected with rust)
·Siam weed
·St John’s wort
·Sweet briar
·Tobacco weed
·Wattle (Acacia spp.)(except corkwood wattle)
·Wild rosemary (Cassinia laevis)
·Wild tobacco tree